
Here comes a chopper to chop off your....

banana :) Perfect Slices every time.

Being given a gift is always exciting. Even when it isn’t tickets to Oasis or a huge chocolate bar.

I was treated to a banana slicer. My husband, Peter, had seen one being used when at England’s Medieval Festival last weekend and knew he had to share.

Why on earth do you need one of those?
That was my question too - it has to be said. Where are we going to put it? was another.

But bless him.

He knows I love banana sandwiches and the thought of my uneven slices between my bread was too much for him to bear.

So voila!

He bought me a banana slicer.

You can watch the video to see it in action.

Getting your own:
If you have a hankering to get your own then he purchased mine from Amazon.

What other uses
Tut tut. I wasn’t suggesting any male parts - way too messy. I think it will be useful for making banana chips or a fruit salad but I know it will mainly be for my banana sandwiches. I wonder how it works on a strawberry…..

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